TOP 10 dei Scandali Internazionali

giovedì 4 giugno 2009

Classifica americana fresca di 3 giorni (by Foreign Policy). Top 10 Scandali Internazionali.... indovinate un pò chi è il primo? esatto!!!!

10) Roh Moo-hyun

9) Il Sultano del Brunei

8) Roland Burris

7) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (!!!)

6) Abdul Falah Al-Sudani

5) Ex Equo Jacob Zuma e i media Giapponesi

4) Alvaro Colom

3) Il Parlamento Inglese

2) Fernando Lugo

rullo di tamburi! and the winner is...
1) Silvio Berlusconi
con questa motivazione:

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (Please Don't Make Me Visualize This Division)
From the country that gave us Caligula comes a scandal that makes us wish that there was a way to pull an Oedipus and gouge out our mind's eye. (What, you think I meant the other oedipal stuff? Gross. There are standards of taste, even in this blog.) Please don't make us imagine the 72 year old media-baron-turned-Godfather-of-Italian-politics (which is quite a distinction when you think about it) with the 18 year old lingerie model that Berlusconi's wife alleges he had a dalliance with. Fortunately, recently Berlusconi got his country's privacy commission to bloc the release of pictures of him at a party in Sardinia with the girl, then age, 17. And, to get back at his wife for calling him out on his alleged cradle-robbing, friends of the PM are now circulating stories that Berlusconi's wife had taken a special interest in her security detail. Ah, Italia...the dolce vita never ends.

come la mettiamo?! avevamo bisogno di questo primato?! ma anche no... 
Chissa se i media italiani daranno la notizia di questo primato tutto made in Italy...

P.S: Abbiamo superato la Russia, la Corea ed Ahmadinejad!!!! Ma ci rendiamo conto?Ah, Italia...the dolce vita never ends.


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